Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hello! Most Important News Ever, People! Along with a Q&A session with yours truly!

Yesterday I woke up with a horrible headache to the beeping of my stupid alarm clock (it was Saturday) and got out of bed and proceeded to put on a minimal amount of make-up, create a massive bun on top of my head, throw on some sweats, grab my bag, put on massive tinted sunglasses, arrive at early morning rehearsal seven minutes late, be informed I look, "grouchy," "stoned," and "completely hungover" (by my teacher, mind you), lay on the floor, dress in record time, go through notes of yesterday's rehearsal, fall asleep, find Bridger's costume for him, try and sway in perfect sync with sixty other people (I have swaying dyslexia), run off of the stage, change super quickly, have a mic stuffed into my side, proceeded to do my dance and NOT fall off the stage and crumple in a ball, rip off Blaze's shirt, wear a black wig, attack a man, change super quickly yet again, curl Sarah's hair (it was darling - score!), miss my finale cue, eat lunch (we ordered 100 pizzas - seriously), feel totally sick, recoreograph a piece of my dance, run that piece four million times, do the show again, bow, run around like crazy, come home, go running...

Why? Why do I do this??
Because, people!
Call me for directions, and PLEASE COME!!

And now:
Question and Answer with your favorite blogger/friend/niece/cousin/etc...

What are you inspired by?
I pull my inspiration from the world around me. Everything inspires me. I am especially inspired by hope. I am inspired by the fact that the world, in the eyes of so many, is a disaster, a mess, a hopeless ball of water and land careening through space... And I am inspired by the hope that some (like myself) hold so tightly to, that the world is still a good place, with good people, good things, and, of course, hope.

What is your favorite type of cupcake?
This will sound odd, but you know those cupcakes with the crazy processed and colored frosting you buy at the grocery store? I could live on those.

What country do you live in?
I live in the United States of America.

What is your favorite color?
Huh. I don't really have a favorite color. It changes with the day. With the moment. Green, possibly, right now. Although I am rather partial to sparkles... Anything sparkly.

Favorite place to be?
In a state of happiness.

Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
Hmmmm. I like to eat. I like to dance and sing and act... But those things are kind of my life. In my actual free time... I like to talk on the phone. With Katie and Jarrett. They are my favorite people to talk to.

What is the most Australian thing about you?

What keeps you blogging?
The need to get my feelings and thoughts and pains and joys out of my being and out of my crazy scrambling head.

Good 'n Plentys or Gushers?
Neither. I like chocolate and peanut butter and Crazy Core Skittles.

If you were trapped in a burning building, and you could only call one super hero, who would you call?
Uh, to be honest, the first thing that came to mind was "Ghost Busters!!" As in, "Who do you call? Ghost Busters!!"


McKenzie said...

we're so there! where do i buy tickets?

Rosander said...

That sounds so exciting. I would love to come! Let me know where and how I get tickets!