Tuesday, October 12, 2010


It is a beautiful day.
It is a brilliant day.
Also, at the end of my horoscope this morning it said this: "And do take special care with anything involving automotives today."
You bet I laughed forever.
And then I became very, very afraid for myself and buckled my seatbelt with extreme care.
Of course, I did take special care with anything involving automotives today. Except for once, when the UPS man arrived at school and left his lovely, doorless, brown truck unattended. Then, Meghan and I proceeded to watch him suspiciously as he walked by with a load of boxes balanced precariously upon a dolly, then sprint toward his lovely, doorless, brown truck and hop in the front seat and take a picture. We thought ourselves to be unendingly funny.

All my love, Addy.

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