Friday, January 1, 2010


People all over the world,
are changing their lives.
{They are committing to loose weight}
{To enjoy life more}
{To succeed in the workplace}
{To fall in love}
{To become a better friend}
{To read the Bible}
I am committing to do something very hard:
{I am going to stop complaining about people}
I am not going to complain about the things people say around me or about me.
I am not going to complain about the grades people give me.
I am not going to complain about the things people do.
I am not going to complain about the things that think.
I am not going to complain about the things that people watch, believe, understand, or want.
{I, Addy*, swear not to complain about people}
Ergo: I am giving it up.
{Never again}
I am also going to replace my complaining about people with something much more{wonderful}
Starting today I am going to
{dream bigger}
& I am going to work towards those dreams.
I am going to start
a better person.

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