Sunday, October 10, 2010

Oh, good heavens.

Go. Make art.

Drama company went down to Shakespeare festival in Cedar City all for the majority of the week. It was rather entertaining. In related news, a blast from a past has come to take care of us while my parents are celebrating my mother's birthday on a little overnight run-away.

HAPPY 10.10.10!!
I hope you make loads of very special wishes. I also hope they all come true.

Eat your vegetables.
All my love, Addy.

P.S. Dear ladies and loves,
The day you stop caring, move on, and move forward, is the day he will look you in the eye and tell you, "You look so pretty." But you can't fake not care. You have to really not care. There is a difference. But, this is the awful truth. If you start to care again after this happens, you never stopped caring.
Love and wisdom, me.

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